
Perkins Deplores Maid Loss; Would Fight for Them

Lowell House Master Elliot Perkins '23 said last night that he did not know why Lowell House had been selected as the first House to lose all its daily maid service next fall.

"I can only think it was a tribute to the good, neat habits of Lowell House men as opposed to the habits of the members of the six other Houses," Perkins said.

Asked if he thought he could forestall the loss of maids, Perkins said, "I could offer to fight a duel with some other House Master. Then the loser's House would have to give up its maid service first."

Which House loses its maids first will make little difference, Perkins asserted, because all Houses will lose their maid service by the end of 1955, according to current plans of College officials.

Will Miss Maids


To insure what he called "good order in student rooms" next fall, Perkins said that Lowell would have an inspection system. He said, however, that this inspection would be worked out on an experimental basis.

Perkins deplored the loss of the maids. "I object to the twentieth century and the passing of the amenities of life." He said he did not know what types of mechanized cleaning would be instituted, expressing the desire to "know what this mechanized cleaning is all about."
