
Lion Fencers Defeat Varsity, 19-8; Livingston, Kenney Win for Losers

The undefeated Columbia fencing team extended its winning streak last night by defeating the varsity 19 to 8 in the I.A.B.

Columbia completely dominated the match and took all three divisions, winning the foils match 7 to 2, and the epee and sabre contests each by a score of 6 to 3.

Sophomore Steve Schneider won two out of three for the Crimson's only win in the foil division. The sabre team's John Livingston, also a sophomore, took two out of three, and Dave Kenney won the third sabre match. In the epee division, Captain Les Scherer, Phil Erard, and Bill Pierskalla each won a match.

3 Win, 2 Loss Record

Other starters for the Crimson were Paul Forand and Walt Rawls in the foils, and John Craig in the sabre.


The varsity now has a 3 win, 2 loss record so far this year, beating Boston University, M.I.T., and Trinity, while losing to Army and Columbia. In the Pentagonal matches held in the New York City Athletic Club, the varsity finished fifth behind Navy, Yale, Princeton, and Army.

Next Saturday there will be an informal match scheduled for 2 p.m. in the I.A.B. with the Cetrulo Fencing Club.

Both the varsity and the freshmen will go to New Haven Saturday, March 6, to fence Yale. This will be the Yardlings' last meet of the season.

The varsity will travel to New York University during the weekend of March 13 and 14 to finish the year in the Intercollegiate match with ten other schools.
