
'57 Smoker Chairman Promises Sex Display, No Strip - Tease Acts

"We'll have sex without the strip for the Freshman Smoker," said Gordon A. Martin '57, chairman of the smoker committee yesterday, quelling rumors that Tempest Storm, well-known "interpretative dancer" would appear at the Smoker, March 9.

"A Hollywood movie star will perform, but not strip at the Smoker," Martin added.

Cartoonist Al Capp, creator of "Li'l Abner" and "Fearless Fosdick," heads the list of definite entertainment. Other performers will include Tom Lehrer '47, the Wellesley Widows, the Mahogany Hall All-Stars with Vic Dickinson, and three student acts.

These acts represent the best freshman and upperclass talent groups chosen formal several which have been auditioned before the Smoker Committee.

President Pusey yesterday declined an invitation to attend the Smoker because of a previous commitment.
