
College News in Brief

Blacklow to Conduct Band

Robert S. Blacklow '55 was elected student conductor of the University band last night, climaxing a two month competition. He replaces Peter Strauss '54, the retiring conductor.

Wilinsky Fund Created

The School of Public Health has announced the creation of the Charles F. Wilinsky Lecture Fund in honor of the retired Executive Director of the Beth Israel Hospital and former Deputy Health Commissioner of the City of Boston.

Wilinsky himself has been invited to give the first lecture, April 28. He will discuss "The Relation of Hospitals and Health.


Miss Erard Receives Award

Jeanne Erard '54 has received a Rotary Foundation Fellowship. This is the first time that a Radcliffe undergraduate has won this award, which is presented to 102 students annually.

"Patience" Tryouts to Continue

Tryouts for the chorus of Gilbert and Sullivan's "Patience" will take place next Wednesday in the Winthrop House Junior Common Room at 7:30 p.m., the Winthrop House Music Society has announced.

The Society said that all singers will be welcomed. Tryouts for the principal parts were held last night and Tuesday night. The operetta will be presented May 5-8.

B-School Sessions to Begin

Both the Trade Union and the Advanced Management Programs of the Business School will begin their new sessions on Feb. 24, William D. Swan, Jr., assistant dean, has announced.

Franklin Heads WHRB

Herbert M. Franklin '55 has been elected the new president of WHRB. Others chosen to serve with him are William K. McElroy '55, vice-president; Edward R. Kupperstein '55, treasurer; Marshall R. Childs '55 and Walter A. Goffart '55, board members; and Geoffry M. Kalmus '56, clerk.

Harding to Sing

Timothy F. Harding '56 will give a concert of ballads and folk songs in the Adams House Lower Common Room. Sunday, at 8:15 p.m. Admission is free.

Two Debates Tonight

The debating team will meet Toronto and Cornell tonight in Lamont 602 and 603 respectively. The Cornell match will be on free trade, and the Toronto match on the topic, Resolved: That Communists should be allowed to teach in our schools and colleges.
