The American Legion will appeal to University officials to put pressure on the United Nations Council to prevent the appearance of Own Lattimore here March 1.
William M. Curtis, Jr. '24, chairman of the Anti-Subversive Committee of the Massachusetts department of the American Legion, stated last night that he would discuss the Lattimore matter with "appropriate College officials in the near future."
Lattimore has been under indictment for perjury before the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee since December 1952. The United Nations Council scheduled him to speak with M. S. Sundaram, cultural attache to the Indian embassy in Washington, on American and Asian relationships.
The meeting will be held in Now Lecture Hall.
Duncan H. Cameron '56, president of the UN Council, declared last night, "I have nothing to say at this time" about the Legion's latest action.
Curtis Belittles Lattimore
Legionnaire Curtis, however, had more to add to his statements of last week. "It seems to me that . . . (the Council) might get someone with more knowledge to address them" on Eastern affairs. He stated that Lattimore's reputations is out of line with the facts.
"In my opinion and in the opinion of others who are familiar with the record of Owen Lattimore, his experience in this field has been purely superficial."
The North Cambridge Post of the Veterans of Foreign Warns is at present discussing the Lattimore matter among its membership, but has not yet decided upon any line of action.
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