
Princeton Dean Puts Two Writers On Probation for Indecent Article

Princeton University has placed the chairman and a writer from the retired board of the Nassan Literary Magazine on indefinite probation for a story which was "in bad taste."

Dean of the College Francis R. B. Godolphin said that the two seniors, exchairman Robert C. Agee and Roger W. Derby, writer of the controversial article entitled "The First Taste," were placed on probation because of dialogue in the story. It appeared in the December issue of the magazine.

Defending his article, Agee said, "From a literary point of view, I lie the story very much. The profanity that was there strengthened the dialogue immeasurably.

"I think that if the profanity had been taken out, damage would have been done to the story," he added.

A new board and new officers have taken over the Lit since the controversial article appeared. Therefore, the two students' probation will not directly affect the magazine.


Student reaction yesterday was quick to criticize the Princeton authorities. The Daily Princetonian commented in an editorial yesterday, "Disciplining the students who were responsible for what may or may not be bad judgment in the realm of art is inadvisable."

Inasmuch as the Dean's action is punishment of a well-intentioned mistake in judgment, rather than of a malicious attempt to misuse the pages of the Lit, the probation must be condemned," the paper concluded.
