
Workmen Ice Watson Rink

A jurisdictional strike of 26 carpenters has halted work on roofing the Donald C. Watson '16 Memorial hockey rink. With two-thirds of the covering already completed, however, the rink surface was flooded for the first time this season yesterday.

The dispute arose when carpenters insisted on carrying construction materials to the roof themselves, instead of being assisted by laborers. Final decision on the two-day-old strike will come from the Jurisdiction Commission.

Meanwhile, both the varsity and freshman sextets are expected to shift their daily practice sessions, now at the Garden, to the rink by the beginning of next week.

Construction on the masoury walls will continue as usual, the George A. Fuller Construction Co. said last night.

The new building around the rink will seat 2500 and its cost is estimated at $350,000. The rink was finished last fall as an outdoor arens, but unsuitable weather conditions led to a revision of plans and to a new drive to erect a building.


The only varsity contest scheduled for the Watson rink will be on Jan. 8, against Northeastern University.
