
Council May Get Zarubin to Speak Here in January

George Zarubin, Russian ambassador to the United States, will probably speak before the United Nations Connell during reading period.

Bruce M. Solya '55, president of the Council, said last night that Zarubin or Semyon K. Tsarapkin, the USSR's chief deputy delegate to the UN, have indicated that they would like to appear before a Harvard audience.

The Council extended its original invitation to the late Andrei Y. Vishinsky, Chief Russian delegate to the UN until his death last week.

Because of Vishinsky's death, Selya said Zarubin will be more likely to appear here than Tsarapkin. "If either accepts definitely, we'll leave the date to him," the Council president added. It is expected, however, that the appearance will be made in the second week of January.

Erik Boheman, Swedish ambassador to the U.S. will come to Cambridge next week to speak at the Northeast Regional Convention of Collegiate Councils for the United Nations. The convention, including 100 representatives from 35 colleges, will be held here from Dec. 10 to 12.


President Pusey and Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, will also address the convention. MacLeish will give the keynote address, and Pusey will speak on the final day on the meeting.
