The CRIMSON takes pleasure in announcing the election of its Executive Board for 1955-56: Cliff F. Thompson '56, of Fairway, Kan., and Lowell House as President; John Jay Iselin '56 of Greenville, S. C., and Eliot House as Managing Editor; Charles Michael Dicker '56 of New York and Everett St., Cambridge, as Business Manager; William Warren Bartley, III '56 of Pittsburgh, Pa., and Eliot House as Editorial Chairman; Stephen S. B. Shohet '56 of Willard Rd., Brookline, and Leverett House as Photographic Chairman; Jack Rosenthal '56 of Portland '56 of Portland, Ore., and Dunster House as Associate Managing Editor; steven Carton Swett '56 of Baltimore, Md., and Winthrop House as Sport Editor; and Burton Alan Schwalb '57 of Child St., Hyde Park, and Leverett House as Advertising Manager.
The new board will take office at the beginning of the spring term in 1955.
The outgoing members of the Executive Board are: President, Arthur J. Langguth '55 of Minneapolis, Minn., and Dunster House; Managing Editor, David L. Halberstam '55 of Torrington, conn., and Dunster House; Business Manager, Francis S. Urbany '55 of Carmichael, Pa., and Leverett House; Editorial Chairman, Richard H. Ullman '55 of San Antonio, Texas, and Lowell House; Photographic Chairman, Robert M. O' Neil '56 Wendell St., Cambridge, and Winthrop House; Associate Managing Editor, Richard A. Burgheim '55 of St. Louis, Mo., and Winthrop House; and Advertising Manager, John R. Murphy '55, of Eric, Pa., and Adams House.
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