
Varsity Six Meets Boston College Tonight for N.E. Hockey Supremacy

The title for New England supremacy will be unofficially at stake tonight as the varsity hockey team faces last year's leader, Boston College, at 9 p.m. in the Boston Garden.

Predictions based on each team's season's opener last Tuesday slightly favor the offensively strong Crimson team, which failed to beat the Eagles in three games last year.

Varsity coach Cooney Weiland expressed optimism for a victory last night and said that "We have a good chance of beating them."

The Crimson's edge may come from its ability to connect with playmaking passes, a talent noticeably lacking in the Eagles' initial 4 to 2 win over Providence.

The two teams were picked as New England leaders in a pre-season poll of Eastern sports writers, although many placed B.C. ahead of the fifth-place Crimson in the overall Eastern selections. St. Lawrence of New York was picked first.


Weiland said he intended to stick with the same lineup used in Tuesday's 11-1 rout of Northeastern. Bill Cleary will center the first line with Terry O'Malley and Ned Bliss on his wings. The second right wing, Joe Crehore at center, and Frank Mahoney, who scored the hat trick in the opener, at left wing. Veteran Charlie Flynn will be in the goal.

Starting defensemen Doug Manchester and Pete Summers, converted wings from last year's squad, are also expected to contribute to the team's offensive threat against a predominantly sophomore B.C. sextet.
