
Health Plan Could Broaden Coverage

Farnsworth Proposes Five Major Additions to Present Service

Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, Director of University Health Services, yesterday announced live specific areas of expansion for the proposed University Health Plan.

"Our primary purpose in reorganization is the development of a good medical and surgical service, supplemented by the services of consultants in all the major believed efficient service could result in lower total medical costs, but he denied he was trying to reduce fees as a goal in itself.

Significant is the program is a new attitude of concern for the undergraduate's welfare, whether in or out of the infirmary.

The program will include:

1) A series of "health-building measures," including safety programs and special publications to the community. The publications would discuss such subjects as colds and the use of cerebral stimulants at examinations time.


2) An insurance plan designed to cover the major costs of injuries and illnesses throughout the year. At present, students are covered only for period while actually attending the University.

3) A considerable increase in the size and activity of mental health services. Emphasis will be on the understanding and management of emotional conflicts which prevent students free working effectively. "We hope that students will eventually come to thing of these facilities with exactly the same attitudes as they new do of other medical services," Farnsworth said.

4) An active research program, he investigate causes and effects of disease and injury. The goal of investigation will be increased information on emotional factors which impede the learning process, he said. The program will not be supported by student fees, but will only be organized if private funds can be raised.

5) A training program to show medical students, nurses, and post graduate students how a health program operates.

Farnsworth said he wanted to "integrate his program as closely as possible, with Harvard teaching hospitals so that anyone who needs hospital treatment may get it "as soon as it is necessary or desirable."
