
Senate, HYRC Both To Determine Stand On McCarthy Today

The Young Republican Club will meet in closed session tonight to decide where it stands on the proposed censure of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy. Although the Senate is scheduled to take a final vote on the question this afternoon, the HYRC's decision will not necessarily be the same as the official one.

"I don't know what the club will do," said John C. Eldridge '55, HYRC vice-president. "Our members think for themselves and won't just follow the U.S. Senate blindly."

The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m., in Sever A. It is open only to the club's 300-odd paid-up members.

Eldridge and another Club official, Oliver W. Woodburn '57, both expressed disappointment yesterday that the Senate consure vote precedes their own meeting. They explained that the meeting was planned more than a week ago, when the censure decision was not expected until late in the month. "The meeting doesn't have so much importance now," said Eldridge.

Today's issue of the HYRC Newsletter, in presenting trial arguments for and against the censure proposal, stresses that by advocating censure the club can gain "a more favorable position in the Harvard community. . . . The HYRC would not only have more opportunity to obtain faculty speakers and improve University relations which have been undermined by the effort of others in the past, but . . . would also dispel a reactionary aura others have assigned it," the Newsletter continues.
