
Beer Heads Boston Group Urging McCarthy Censure

Under the leadership of Samuel H. Beer, professor of Government, a group of prominent Boston citizens last night formed a Citizens for the Censure of McCarthy Committee urging that pro-censure telegrams be sent to Massachusetts senators.

Members of the group include Louis M. Lyons, director of the University's Nieman Foundation, Larue Brown '04, Massachusetts chairman of Americans for Democratic Action, John L. Saltonstall, Jr. '38, John Cort, labor editor of the Catholic magazine "Commonweal," and J. C. Peter Richardson '56, coordinator of the Students for Censure of McCarthy group here.

National Movement Dropped

Meanwhile, McCarthy's demand yesterday that a vote on his censure be taken tomorrow has forced a group of University faculty members, who were planning a national censure movement, to drop the idea for lack of time. This group was reportedly headed by Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, John K. Galbraith, professor of Economics, and Mark DeWolf Howe '28, professor of Law.

"Senator McCarthy has attacked American liberty and disgraced the Senate of the United States," Beer stated last night. "At last he is being brought to judgment before the Senate. We are confident that the Senate will judge rightly and that he will be censured."


"Like the rest of our fellow Americans," Beer said, "we abhor communism because, among other things, it uses character assassination, star chamber procedures, and guilt by association, and glorifies the principle that the end justifies the means. All these methods are regularly used by Senator McCarthy."

Beer and his group have asked all the people of Massachusetts to wire Senators Leverett Saltonstall and John F. Kennedy, Jr., expressing their stand in favor of censure.

Addressing himself to the citizens, Beer said, "While the responsibility of censuring him belongs primarily to the Senate, it is also shared by the whole people. You have witnessed his behavior and, as a member of the nation, you have suffered from it."
