
Caldwell Selects Opponent Eleven

Princeton football coach Charlie Caldwell yesterday gave the Crimson varsity dominance on his 1954 all-opponent team by naming three regulars to the eleven. Captain-elect Hill Meigs, senior end Bob Cochran, and sophomore fullback Tony Gianelly were the Crimson players.

Although he suffered a broken nose midway through the Princeton game, Meigs made it one of his best games this year. Cochran recovered a fumble in the end zone for the first Crimson touchdown, and Gianelly set up the second after taking a lateral from tailback Sam Eyock.

Brown, Yale, and Cornell each took two positions on the Tiger all-opponent team, while Colgate and Pennsylvania have one apiece. The team; ends, Cochran (Harvard) and John Merris (Cornell); tackles, Jim Doughan (Yale); backs, Gianelly (Harvard), Wait Hynoski (Penn), Pete Kohut (Brown), and Dick Meade (Cornell).

The University of Massachusetts football team also selected its all-opponent eleven yesterday, naming Crimson captain Tim Anderson to one of the guard positions. Five other opponents, American International, Now Hampshire, Northeastern, Rhode Island, and Vermont, each placed two men on the team.
