
Pusey Not to Appoint New Divinity Head Until Spring

President Pusey yesterday told leaders of the Divinity School student body that no dean will be appointed to the school until late next spring.

A nondenominationally representative student group, led by John M. Coffee Jr., editor of the "Scribe," had presented Pusey with a statement asking that Dean George H. Williams be appointed to the post--now vacant for almost a year.

Though praising Williams highly, Pusey told the group that three men originally suggested for the post had turned it down, and that at present no one singular person is under direct consideration.

Pusey assured the group that a petition that they had submitted last year asking for Williams' appointment "had not been forgotten." According to Coffee the original petition was never acknowledged.

Glenn P. Blake 2Dv, associate editor of the Scribe, stated, "In searching for a new dean, far afield, it would seem as though the University has overlooked the most qualified man, who is right here in our midst as Acting Dean of the school."


"Under Williams' administration," according to Blake, "the Dean's office has been strengthened and reorganized, the school's enrollment has increased, and there still remains a wide distribution of theological beliefs represented among the student body."

"Second to None"

Blake stated that "as a scholar in Church History, Professor Williams is second to none. Add to this his excellent administrative ability, and you have the necessary qualities for a good Dean."

Any outsider, the students told Pusey, would find it difficult to head a faculty which he did not help to appoint, and Williams has already shown his ability to work with the new faculty.

Pusey told the group that he was "highly pleased with the progress of the school under Dean Williams."
