
P.B.H. Will Present Shows for Holiday

Groups of Phillips Brooks House volunteer workers will spend their Thanks-giving entertaining underprivileged children, Franchot A. Golub '57, Chairman of the Speakers and Entertainment Committee, said last night.

At Ellis Memorial in Boston, Robert C. Miller '57 and Noel Tyl '58 will present a magic and story-telling show. Tyl has performed as a magician in numerous night clubs.

Frederic Johnson '57 and Catherine Stiles '57 will both play the piano at the Holy Ghost Hospital in Cambridge for patients and students, and Joel M. Berstein '57 will sing while Malcolm S. Mitchell '57 accompanies him on the piano at the Boston YMHA.

At the South Bay Union, Kwanjai Park '58, a Korean, will speak, along with other foreign students, on his impressions of America.
