
Adams Will Lose Burr Tutor, Aide To Other Schools

Adams House will lose both its senior and assistant senior tutors this year, it was learned yesterday.

Joseph C. Palamountain, Jr., assistant professor of Government and one of the original Allston Burr senior tutors, will leave at the end of the current academic year to become an associate professor of Government at Wesleyan University.

His assistant, Alan K. Campbell, instructor in Government and assistant director of the Summer School, leaves the University at the end of the fall term. He will accept the chairmanship of the department of Political Science at Hofstra College, serving as an associate professor.

Wood Gets Post

Campbell's successor as assistant to William Y. Elliott in the Summer School is Robert C. Wood, a lecturer on Government. Campbell held the post of assistant director for five sessions.


No successors to Palamountain and Campbell in either their House administrative or academic posts have yet been considered. They are both Government tutors.

Palamountain, who became senior tutor in 1951, planned to go to Wesleyan this September. It is believed that he stayed on, however, to assist the new Adams Housemaster, Reuben A. Brower. Brower took over the post this year, succeeding the late David M. Little '18.
