
Conservatives Now Probing Liberal Union

Forecast Decrease In HLU Membership

In an attempt to reduce the Liberal Union's membership, the Conservative League is conducting a thorough investigation of the past history of the group, David B. Cole '55, Conservative League president, revealed last night.

A special Conservative League committee is preparing a pamphlet which Cole claims will provide enough damaging information on the H.L.U. to prevent students from joining it. By gathering all its information from the Library archives, which are open to the public, the League is seeking to forestall charges of spying.

Alleged Infiltration

Among the facts already discovered, Cole revealed an H.L.U. attempt to infiltrate the Conservative League. He charged that Stephen R. Kaplan '57, a member of the H.L.U., had tried to join his group last spring. "We tricked the Liberal Union into admitting he was one of their men and broke up his scheme," Cole explained. He added that Kaplan probably had the backing of his club and that "such dirty infiltration tactics are typical of liberalism in general."

Kaplan last night admitted he had tried to become a member of the Conservative League, but insisted that his action had nothing to do with his H.L.U. affiliation. "I just wanted a little fun," Kaplan said. "I was going to get some other freshmen and take over the Club. It was meant to be like the election of Cesare Balzotti to the Freshman Smoker Committee," he said. Balzotti was a fictitious candidate running for the '57 Smoker Committee.


Not Based on Fact

"It was an amateurish attempt. When Cole found out I was in the H.L.U. he told me not to come around. That's all," Kaplan explained.

Liberal Union officials vigorously denied the Conservatives' infiltration charges. "The accusations of the Conservative Club are made for publicity end are not based on actual fact," Christopher Niebuhr '56, H.L.U. political action chairman said.
