
Vets Enrollment Increases by 456 Over '53-54 Total

Veteran enrollment in the University has jumped almost 50 percent this year, Charles E. Lawson, supervisor of Veterans Affairs, announced yesterday.

The veterans now total 1311, better than ten percent of the total University enrollment of 10,346, representing a gain of 456 over last year.

Although the rise from 74 to 156 in the College may be the largest percentage increase, Lawson said the biggest numerical boost is in the Business School, where the vet total soared to 482 from 289. Entire enrollment at the Business School is 1451.

Most of the 1311 are veterans of the Korean war; only 209 are receiving World War II benefits.

College Shows Increase


Many of the Korean veterans, however, are not taking full advantage of benefits available to them, Lawson said. Those injured in the police action receive disability ratings, which entitle them to money for tuition and supplies as well as a monthly stipend. "Eligible veterans, however, must apply for these benefits," he added.

The Veterans Affairs office is located in Lehman Hall, and is designed to assist veterans in college and government affairs.

Almost all departments of the University increased in size this year, according to general figures released yesterday. The Business School enrollment of 1451 represented the largest increase--113 over last year.

The College enrollment rose from 4381 to 4430, the Graduate School from 1359 to 1377, the Divinity School from 120 to 141, and the Law School showed a four- student gain, to 1522.

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