
St. Clair to Address HYDC on October 21; Flaherty Elected Head

James St. Clair, assistant to counsel Joseph N. Welch in last spring's Army- McCarthy hearings, will address the Young Democratic Club, Oct. 21.

St. Clair, who graduated from the Law School in 1947, gained prominence through his questioning of the Wisconsin senator. He is associated with Hale & Dorr, Welch's Boston law firm.

Last night, the Young Democrats also elected officers for the fall term. Robert T. Flaherty '55 was unanimously chosen as the new president.

Thomas Ehrlich '56 was elected vice president. Conrad D. Geller '55 was named secretary and Joseph Steinberg '56, treasurer. The new members at large are Charles L. Edson '56, Michael McCloskey '56, and Gordon Martin '57,

Frederick J. Willman '56, retiring president, urged the Club to direct its efforts toward reform within the Massachusetts Democratic Party.


"It is difficult to conform to an illiberal state organization, but at the same time, we have an obligation to the national Democratic Party to sustain its tradition of classless liberalism that has attracted independent voters as well as Democrats," Willman said.
