Alfred M. Tozzer '00, John E. Hudson Professor of Archaeology, Emeritus, and one of the leading anthropologists and archaeologists of the past half-century, died Tuesday at the age of 77.
Tozzer, who was also Curator of Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology, Emeritus, at the University, retired from the faculty in 1949, after serving since 1902.
Shortly before his death, Tozzer completed a general study of Middle American archaeology, which has been described by his colleagues as a "monumental synthesis." He also published what is considered the outstanding English translation of the Landa manuscript, written by a Spanish bishop about 1560.
Born in 1877 at Lynn, Mass, Tozzer rec eived his Ph.D. as well as bachelor's degree here. In addition to his other posts on the faculty, he served as chairman of the department of Anthropology. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and a number of scientific organizations.
Tozzer is survived by his widow, Mrs. Margaret Castle Tozzer, a daughter, Mrs. William Lincoln of Brookline, and five grandchildren.
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