
CRIMSON Dedication to Coincide With Opening of Fall Competition

The construction in front of the CRIMSON building is almost complete: The news board has virtually finished its subway to Wellesley, the editorial board has built its bomb-proof encyclopedia shelter, the business board has constructed a surplus-assets vault, and the photo board an automatic sprinkling system.

By 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, all should be in readiness, and prospective CRIMSON editors from the sophomore, junior, and senior classes are invited to attend dedication ceremonies, which will thus coincide with the opening of the first fall competition of the year for each of the four departments of the undergraduate daily.

Candidates will work on alternate evenings for the beginning of the competition. Subsequently, they will be required to compete daily but by then they will get the opportunity to handle important stories, picture assignments, money, etc.

Since subway facilities to Wellesley would undoubtedly interfere with studies, the first freshman competition of the year will not begin until after fall hour exams.

Members of the other three classes, however, including Radcliffe, are eligible for the competition, and for the refreshments which will be served.
