
Red Feather Solicits Only In Busy School

The University's annual Red Feather campaign opens tomorrow, but for the first time in its history only students at the Business School will be called upon to contribute in the fall.

Drive Chairman James R. Reynolds '23, Assistant to the President, announced yesterday that he will wait until spring to canvass the College, the Law School, the Medical School and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Reynolds said he reached his decision after talking to members of the Combined Charities Committee. The Committee earlier announced it would not conduct its own drive in the fall this year, but in the spring.

Although Reynolds expressed hope that Red Feather would be included in the list of five approved causes on the Combined Charities list in the spring drive, he said he cannot be sure it will be.

Write In Possible


Edward M. Strasser '55, chairman of the selecting committee, said yesterday Combined Charities will not choose any charities for two more weeks. But, if the Red Feather is not approved, students are still permitted to write in that charity's name on the pledge card, Strasser added.

Last year Combined Charities did not include the name of the United Community Service, which uses the Red Feather as its campaigning emblem, but it still received $100 from write-ins.
