
Student Council Group to Analyze Problems in Yard

Questions such as the direct integration of freshmen into the Houses are now under study by the Student Council's Freshman Year report committee, chairman John F. Merrifield '55 announced yesterday.

Most of the committee's 200 questionnaires, sent to a random sampling of the Class of '58, have been returned, and the committee will soon begin to determine the problems of transition and change in the freshman year.

Five major "problem areas" will be dealt with by the committee, Merrifield said. In addition to House integration, these include: the advising system, attitudes toward the College, commuting, and the method and quality of instruction.

Answers to such questions on the fall questionnaires as "In what quarter of your class do you think you will rank, academically, in the coming year?" will be compared with data collected from the same 200 freshmen later in the spring.

Then, the committee faces its major job of determining where and how adjustments are made, Merrifield said.


The ten-man part of the committee responsible for the questionnaire prepared for the analysis by interviewing 40 members of the Class of 57 last spring.
