
Overseers' Group to Inspect University Libraries Sunday

Seven hundred students, bearing down in the usual reading period study rush, were disturbed yesterday afternoon when a Lamont librarian took a tally to determine how many students were in the library.

This counting and tidying up at Lamont and the other University Library's branches was in preparation for the regular tour of the branches by the Board of Overseers Library Visiting Committee scheduled for Sunday.

The group of 31 will inspect Lamont, the Harvard Yenching Institute collection, and three House libraries. They will also see a display of rare books acquired recently by the Houghton Library and inspect recent renovations made at Widener.

At its evening meeting, the group will discuss the use which students and faculty are making of the libraries' facilities. Lamont librarian Philip J. McNill said that this discussion will not concern Lamont's closing hours, a policy which the staff of the library decides.

Members of the Visiting Committee include John Mason Brown '23, Mark A. DeWolfe Howe '28, and Roy E. Larsen '21.


Before visiting the library the group will eat Sunday dinner in the Adams House dining hall.
