

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Over the past years I have paid my respects to quite a few institutions of learning on the North American Continent, and I can say without exaggeration, that Harvard is one of those top institutions of higher learning where the flame of the spirit of true inquiry and purusit of truth in an atmosphere of freedom burns brightly. The administration is alive to the student needs. The range of subjects offered at the University is most impressive and overwhelming.

However, I must say, that I feel at unease to note the relatively small emphasis that seems to be put by the authorities on studying Asia, more particularly India, the growing importance of which on the International scene cannot be over-emphasized. It seems a pity that students coming to Harvard for their education, should not have the opportunity of studying the present day socio-economic and cultural patterns of Indian life, so that they would be better equipped to follow the Indian train of thought and line of reasoning, both Internationally and in India.

At Harvard there already is the Institute of Russian Studies. There already are various Regional programmes. I feel that Harvard, in keeping with its traditions, should extend investigation and courses of instruction into this area, and should establish an Institute of Indian Studies. A modest beginning could be made immediately by introducing some courses on various aspects of India in addition to the one already being given "An Introduction to the Civilization of India" by Mr. Ingalls.

At present a research project on India is being carried on at M.I.T. under the supervision of Prof. Malenbaum, Harvard could take inspiration from the neighbour, and could very well be the American pioneer in providing adequate instruction on the vital subject that is India. Raghbir Singh Basl
