
Varsity Earns Trophy In K. of C. Mile Relay

The varsity mile-relay team, aided by Dave Alpers' excellent 440-yard anchor run, last Saturday won the Daniel J. Kelly Memorial Trophy, awarded for the fastest mile run in the K. of C. Track Meet by a Bay State relay team.

The Crimson clocked an extremely fast 3:21.6 as it edged Princeton in the last leg of the race.

Jack Richards led off in third place and gave the baton to Rennie Little, who moved to a close second. Alan Howe, who had previously been edged out by Stove Wilkey of tufts in the Farrell 500-yard race, old the position until he passed to Alpers. Alpers then sprinted past the Tigera' Dick Yaffa to win.

The freshman mile and the varsity two mile relay teams both lost. The Yardlings just missed victory when Captain Dick Wharton stumbled at the end of of his effort in the anchor leg as he attempted to pas Brown's John Connor.
