
Stevenson to Give Godkin Lectures Starting March 17

Adlai E. Stevenson will deliver this year's Godkin Lectures in Government, March 16-19, Edward S. Mason, Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, announced yesterday.

The subject of the three lectures, open to the public, has not yet been released.

Stevenson, Democratic candidate for President in 1952, was Governor of Illinois from 1948 to 1952. During the Second World War he served as Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, worked in the Foreign Economic Administration, and was a special assistant to the Secretary of State.

Served as U.S. Adviser

He also advised the American delegation to the San Francisco and London Conferences of the United Nations.


Born in Low Angeles, Stevenson graduated from Princeton University in 1922, and received the S.J.D., degree from Northwestern University and attended Harvard Law School.

The Godkin lectures in Government are traditionally given n late January.

Stevenson asked for a postponement because of a pressing speaking schedule. The 1952 Democratic presidential candidate recently returned from a trip around the world.

John J. McCloy, former, High Commissioner to Germany, gave the most recent lectures in the series, which began in 1903 with the establishment of a lectureship in honor of E. L. Godkin, editor of the New York Post and The Nation.
