
Ford Foundation Gives Subsidy to Behavioral Study

The Behavioral Science Division of the Ford Foundation is offering a limited group of experimental graduate fellowships in the Behavioral Sciences to non concentrators in this field.

At the University and Radcliffe, two of the small group of institutions participating in the programs, fellowships are available to seniors or first year graduate students who wish is to graduate school for work in Psychology, Sociology, Social Relations, Anthropology, or related fields. Students may attend either the University or any other post-graduate educational institution in the country. Awards bear a stipend of $1300 payable when the candidate is accepted by a graduate school.

Jerome S. Bruner, professor of Psychology and member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Public Administration, is in charge of applications from the University. Mrs. Wilma A. Kerby Miller, Dean of Instruction at Radcliffe, is supervising 'Cliffe applications. Prospective candidates must file applications by Feb. 10. These interested may obtain forms and additional information either at 9 Bow St. or at Fay House.

The Ford Foundation Board of Overseas Training and Research is also offering fellowships for graduate study in fields of Asia, the Near and Middle East, and in the Soviet and East European areas. Graduate students and graduating seniors in any department whose specific fields of study deal with these areas are eligible.
