
Right vs. Might

The American people are becoming cowards. For years certain concepts of right and justice have been foremost among our ideals. They have not always been able to live up to them, but they have admired them in others. They have rooted for certain people and their causes, and when these ideals have won out over crookedness and connivery they have rejoiced. But sometimes right does not win out over forces of injustice; then all of us are put to the test. It is easy to switch allegiance to whomever has the upper hand, and, with him, call all former ideals fit for only suckers. It is all too easy to step on the underdog when he is down, and grind his bloody nose into the dirt. That's exactly what some people are doing today.

They are the ones who were the loudest shouters for the old hero when he had all the guns in his hand. Then he has might, and the patriotism boys were willing to accept anything he did as gospel. Now, it's a different story. You see it in many of the newspapers: little men rushing to join the new club, the crooked club, because crookedness now stands for success in certain parts of this country. Of course, there is one man behind the thing, one individual with a perverted sense of humor who is engineering the whole thing, and forcing it down the all too susceptible throats of the American people.

But even if there were thousands, nay, whole cities who were going along with this (choke) disgusting trend, those of us who remain red blooded American youths should denounce Sidney the parrot for the crooked bird he is, and stand by Fearless Fosdick to the (sob) end.
