
Key New Head of Government Dept

V. O. Key, Jr., professor of Government and expert on American political parties, is the new chairman of the Government Department, it has been announced recently. He replaces McGeorge Bundy, associate professor of Government who held the job but four months before his appointment as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Key, who teaches Government 135, Party Government in the United States, came to the University in 1951 from Yale. There, he was head of the department of Political Science. He is one of the very few full professors who forsook New Haven to come here. The Government Department, with over 400 students, is the University's largest.

A Texan by birth, Key is the author of a definitive book on southern politics and editor of a series of political science books. He is presently engaged in a study of voting behavior in the Northern and Mid-Western states. Interested in applying statistical methods to politics, he has recently prepared a handbook on statistical methods for political scientists.

Bundy was appointed to the chairmanship of the Department in June, succeeding Rupert N. Emerson '22, who had held the post for the previous five years. Former heads of the Government Department have been Benjamin Wright '25 and A. Lawrence Lowell '77.
