
Phi Betes Will Hear Viereck and Davis at Annual Session Today

Poet Peter Viereck '37 and news analyst Elmer Davis will address the annual meeting of the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa at 11 a.m. today in Sanders Theatre.

PBK will hold a business meeting at 10 a.m. when certain undergraduates and honorary members will be elected. After the speeches, members and guests will attend a luncheon in Fogg Museum.

Viereck, Pulitzer Prize winning historian, will read a poem, "Some Refrains at the River Charles." Davis will speak on "Are We Worth Saving; and If So, Why?"

An associate professor of History at Mount Holyoke College, Viereck received is Masters and Ph.D. degrees at Harvard and was elected to PBK. Viereck won a Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for his book of poems, "Terror and Decorum." His latest book--just published--is "Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals."

Davis, a news analyst for the American Broadcasting Company was director of the Office of War Information during World War II. He graduated from Franklin College and later went to Queen's College at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar.
