The most virulent attack on the Congressional investigating committees was made before 17,000 people at the 79th annual convention of the American Association of School Administrators. The group is a division of the National Education Association.
At the meeting, Mrs. Agnes E. Meyer, wife of the owner of the Washington Post, accused the committees of "trading our American principle of law that a man is presumed innocent until proved guilty."
She attacked Senators Jenner, Velde, and McCarthy, calling the last "our modern grand inquisitor," a "dangerous and ruthless demagogue" who "has used the technique of insinuation against innocent people and debauched the Senate's power of investigation by introducing authorization practices that are skin to the communism which he professes to hate."
She continued, "The American people as a whole must now realize that they are the ones who make the climate of public opinion and that they must come to the defense of our public schools and of our institutions of higher learning."
The day after Mrs. Meyer's speech, the administrators adopted a resolution welcoming "since, well-intentioned criticism" spired by deliberate intent to injure, if not but deploring the charges that are "into destroy, American public education."
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