
Marshals Choose Finley to Deliver Baccalaureate Address on June 7

In the absence of President Conant, John H. Finley, Jr. '25, Eliot Professor of Greek Literature, will deliver the Baccalaureate Address in Memorial Church next Sunday.

Finley was chosen to deliver the address by the three marshals of the senior class. The service is open to seniors and their guests.

Conant will be back in Cambridge in time for Commencement on June 11, but he is unable to arrive for the Baccalaureat Service, which is the first event of Commencement week.

The festivities get under way on Saturday when the Class of 1938, holding its 25th reunion, will begin registration. Holding their reunions simultaneously will be the classes of 1903, 1908, 1913, 1913, 1923, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1947 and 1950.

In addition to the regular round of picnics, dinners and concerts, the alumni will also participate in a series of tours and symposiums led by University faculty members. Inaugurated last year, these events are designed to give graduates a view of various facets of Harvard life such as the general education program and the House plan, and to bring them up to date on recent developments in the humanities, the natural sciences and social sciences.


This year there will also be symposiums on national and international affairs, with faculty and alumni experts participating.
