
Upset Poonsters Seek Upset Victory; 'Match Magpie' Is Crimson's Chortle; Uplike in Uproar; 25 Cu Tu Coo Fawn

Some 23,002 members of the Lampoon and CRIMSON will meet today bon the fields of friendly strife, as the annual all Garbage weekend opens for the 23rd time in two years.

In a baseball game taking place this afternoon at Soldiers Field, Battledore K. Pressbane will lead the forces of farce in an attempt to overthrow a 23 year string of CRIMSON victories. Ace flinger Michael "Maggot" Maggoby, 200 pound two year old, will hurl from the mound for the newshounds.

Later, the Charles will churn to the beat of two Spanish galleons, each bearing 23 oars, when the CRIMSON crew meets the 'Poon in a 2:30 p.m. race over a two-cable length course.

The U.S.S. Missouri, on wheels, will feature the annual parade scheduled to start from the CRIMSON at 2 p.m., winding thence to Radcliffe, and to Soldiers Field for athletic events. An elephant, three fire engines, stagecoaches, a Sherman tank, nine rickshaws, and a forty-foot effigy of John H. Updike, "Flounder of his country," will also participate.

Theme of the weekend will be "Unified Ireland," according to parade marshall D. Woodbury Cudhea, present King of the Irish Free State in Cambridge. Secondary marshalls will be Edward J. Coughlin, Phillip M. Cronin, and John R. Murphy, while assisting marshalls are Muldoon S. Gwirtzman, D. Levy Halberstam, Sean D. Rivkin, and Michael O'Finkelstein. CRIMSON  LAMPOON Aprons, c.  Updike, c Cowlick, 1f.  Updike, 1f Fatling, 1b  Updike, 1b Cuddly, rf  Updike, rf Gris, 2b  Updike, 2b Basso, ss  Updike, ss Gwirtzy, 3b  Updike, 3b Hum II, cf  Updike, cf Magpic, p  Schwartz, p
