
Blaze Destroys F-Entry Room in Winthrop House

Most of the fire engines in Cambridge went racing to Winthrop House Saturday night to fight a blaze which destroyed a room in F-entry.

The fire was discovered shortly after 9 p.m. in a suite occupied by seniors Robert O. Angle, David B. MacFarland, and Thomas M. Wallace. Michael Levinson '55, the occupant of a nearby room, and Henry Rogers, a Yard policeman, reported the outbreak to Cambridge firemen. The first engines arrived on the scene about 9:15 p.m. and set up hose lines from nearby Memorial Drive to the fourth floor suite. A large crowd of onlookers soon gathered.

Firemen succeeded in confining the blaze to one of the four rooms shared by the three students. Two windows were blown out and several articles of furniture were destroyed in the fire. The fire was extinguished by 10:40 p.m.

Deputy Fire Chief Thomas O'Connor blamed the fire on a lighted cigarette, carelessly left in the room. None of the three students was in the suite at the time the fire started.
