

(This letter refers to a CRIMSON cartoon headed, "Damn You All, is Nothing Sacred?")

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Yes, Harvard CRIMSON, some things are sacred. Harvard was started as a Church school, not by a group defending anti-Christianity.

Some things are sacred. Our casualties because boys went to fight to stop communists from covering more and more defenseless people.

Sacred? Yes, MacArthur coming back to the Philippines, they tossed flowers in the streets. They loved him as a god.

Sacred? Yes, the right to hold our hands up in defense of God and freedom for all peoples to live without having some one knock in the door, without a barbed wire frontier.


Yes--sacred--the right to fight to the end against the infiltration of communists who try first to control ideas, then key jobs, then use their force and infamy.

Sacred? Yes, the right and duty to expose it for what it is.

May the good Lord bless and keep you. Government people are investigated--we have no privacy and ask none. We serve you and feel it is a privilege. Teachers would get respect if they welcomed a chance to stand up and be counted. Teaching doesn't say one is omnipotent. It says we teach only what builds, not what condones a cancer which is actively killing our boys and boring in.

We find causes--such as Czarist Russia. Such as leaving Korea unguarded. We see we can win by winning a victory in Korea then urging a U. S. Europe. We had to do it. No one wants Egypt, Africa, the Africans subdued under other nations. There is turmoil. Only democracy can win. You boys at Harvard need a real Christian group movement on your campus--and more group athletics at the stadium--not high priced games. The good Lord made us--unless we simply and prayerfully turn to him we get no answers. Communism is a poison--not to advocate, to take but to destroy by revealing for what it is and building on Christian foundations. Thanks for listening. Bless you. Frank Eisthebier
