
Leontief, Orcutt Advanced in Ec.

Provost Paul H. Buck yesterday announced the appointment of Wassily W. Leontief as Henry Lee Professor of Economics and Guy Henderson Orcutt as associate professor of Economics.

Dr. Leontief, professor of Economics since 1946, is recognized internationally for his "input-output" reports on the structure of the American economy.

Dr. Orcutt has studied extensively national income and business cycles, contributing much to an understanding of economic time series and their statistical analysis. He has recently developed a machine for teaching business cycle theories and economic theories.

A member of the Harvard faculty since 1931, Dr. Leontief served as Director of the University Economic Research Project, and currently is teaching statistical method to undergraduates in the General Education Program. Dr. Orcutt, who is 35, has been an assistant professor at Harvard since 1949.
