
'57 Scholarships Awarded to 483 Seniors From 46 States

Over one third of the incoming freshman class will receive scholarships for the 1953-54 academic year, Judson T. Shaplin, Director of Freshman Scholarships, announced yesterday.

The College has awarded 483 scholarships to students from 46 states and four foreign countries. Although the exact size of the Class of '57 is not yet known, it will be no larger than 1150 students, by order of the Corporation.

From more than 1800 applicants competing for the awards, the Freshman Scholarship Office selected less than a quarter.

Massachusetts led the list with 109 residents receiving scholarships. Twelve of these received National Scholarships, the highest award given by the College to incoming freshmen. Only one local student received a Gordon McKay National Scholarship, newly established for men interested in engineering science.

Record Number of Applicants


Seven graduates of New England private preparatory schools will receive Prize Scholarships, while 19 Cambridge students were awarded City of Cambridge Scholarships. More than 40 Harvard Clubs across the nation picked outstanding high school seniors for their annual awards.

With a record number of applications for admission to the freshman class this fall, the Scholarships office got more requests for scholarships than in many years.

The awards were made on the basis of financial need and high academic and personal promise as shown by the applicant's records in class and extracurricular activities.
