

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

If you by habit read the news

To interest, elevate, amuse,

Or keep informed and crystal-clear

On every crisis, far and near,


Perhaps you might have noticed it

When Stalin died, and Conant quit.

One went to meet the Supreme Power,

The other, Conrad Adenauer,

And dropped into our mental lapse

A pair of dandy Power-Gaps.

You may recall the wide surmise

That, though hard feelings might arise,

No fight twixt Bundy, Wild and Mason

Would equal that the Kremlin's facin

(And Finley, Coolidge, Cox and Buck

Were trusted not to run amuck.)

For we, in liberal Western lands,

Approve or not by show of hands,

While Russian leaders not approved

Are often physically removed,

And suffrage such as this may last

(By knife and gun and fatal blast)

Till Opposition disappears-

Which may not be for years and years.

Instead, to our intense chagrin,

The Russian men are quickly in,

And many months have come and gone

While we vote on and on and on...

Finley's champion, with tree fever,

Nesting early next to Sever,

May age and die in passing years

But never move the Overseers. Mark Jacobs '55
