
Blood Drive May Set New National Record; 3,744 Pints Pledged

Blood pledges this spring may set a new national record, Alan I. W. Frank '54 and D. Lawrence Corser '54, co-chairmen of the blood drive, announced last night. The total number of blood pledges amounts to 3,744 pints.

"With the outstanding cooperation we have received in this blood drive, we are in a position to set a record for a single civilian blood drive," Frank said. "But," he added, "we must not lose sight of the fact that pledges are not fulfilled until pints are given."

Lowell House leads in pledges. Seventy percent of its members have pledged 300 pints. Leverett House is a close second percentage-wise with 69.5 percent of its members pledging 215 pints.

The pledges amount to 243 in Eliot, 326 in Winthrop, 210 in Kirkland, 209 in Dunster, 206 in Adams, 148 in Dudley, and 39 in Claverly.

Thomas S. Monfried '54, Yard Captain, has announced that a new record for the Yard has been set. The pledges there amount to 588. In the fall blood drive, the Yard pledges amounted to 357.
