Four Feathers is a classic story of heroism and the definite desert extravaganza. Although there are no harems nor luscious Arabian princesses, thousands of Fuzzy Wuzzies and General Kitchener's valiant army stage a race riot that ought to please the most sadistic audience. Korda has taken full advantage of the possibilities of Technicolor to focus his camera on open wounds at every opportunity.
The story, of course, concerns Harry Faversham and his heroic victory over both the Fuzzy Wuzzies and the Nile to prove to his comrades and the general's daughter that he is no coward. In the course of his adventures he saves all those who doubted him, General Kitchener and a stockade full of prisoners left over from the last British campaign. At the close of the movie, there is the further promise that he will save a rotting old estate from ruin and emancipate the peasants his battle-crazy ancestors have neglected.
As a safety precaution to moviegoers, the Brattle Theatre is distributing pith helmets at the door.
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