
Dartmouth Ousts Two Students for Intoxicating Boy

Two Dartmouth College students were expelled last night for getting an eight-year-old Hanover boy drunk at a dormitory party and depositing him on the campus.

At the same time, Princeton began early its biggest social weekend of the year by staging a three-hour riot involving broken windows, fist fights, and arrests. The demonstration followed a practice air raid blackout yesterday.

Francis Godolphin, Princeton Dean, immediately called a meeting of the university disciplinary committee "to clamp down on excesses this weekend," he said.

In addition to the two students expelled from Dartmouth, a third was suspended until September, 1954, three were placed on probation until next February, and two were given "official warning." Almost all the students involved were freshmen, and the party took place in a freshman dormitory. The names of the students were not disclosed.

The Hanover boy, whose name was not revealed, was found outside the dormitory by a member of his family. One of his friends notified his family when the eight-year-old was invited into the dormitory.


Angry townspeople demanded a police investigation, although the boy suffered no serious after-effects.
