
Six Crews Open Season With Races On Charles

All six Crimson crews open their 1953 seasons on the Charles today. Varsity, JV, and freshman heavies, and their 150-pound counterparts, are all racing for the first time this year.

A total of 24 boats will hit the water, with the freshman 150's beginning a long afternoon of rowing at 3 p.m. The last race-with the varsity heavies taking on M.I.T., Boston University, and Rutgers-beings at 5:30 p.m. in the Basin.

Harvey Love, coaching his second varsity crew, has been handicapped by poor weather. But the Engineers and the Terriers, both of whom are also racing for the first time, have been up against the same problem.

Of the varsity's three opponents, only Rutgers has already rowed "a pretty tough losing race with Pennsylvania," according to Love. "But Penn was beaten pretty soundly by Princeton, so you really can't tell." The stroke and seven-man for the Rutgers boat are Olympic pairar champions.

As far as the other three boats are concerned, however, Love thinks it's "awfully hard to predict . . . We're three unknowns. But I think we'll be right in there with an excellent chance of winning."


For stroke Lou McCagg and seven-man George Gifford, both of whom have graduated, Love has substituted sophomore Noddy Bliss and senior John Atherton. Three sophomores will row with the varsity. Bliss, Dick Darrell, who was five man on last year's Yardling crew and is at five this year, and Chris Hall, at number three.

The J.V. and freshman heavies, both racing M.I.T. and B.U., begin the mile-and-three-quarters stream course at 5 p.m. and 4:30 p.m., respectively.

The J.V. eight has also lost both its stroke and seven-man, and sophomores Lennle Wheeler and Mike Metelf will fill in at these seats.

The varsity beating: bow, Frank Huntington; 2, Phil DuBos: 3, Chis Halle; 4, Lee Rouner; 5, Dick Darrell; 6, Bob Monks; 7, John Atherton; stroke, Neddy Bliss; cox, Al Lefkowitz.

The J.V. boating: bow, Dan Simonds; 2, Lee Henderson; 3, Bill Geertsema; 4, Howard Crushing; 5, Dick Higgins; 6, Link Boyden; 7, Mike Metcalf; stroke, Len Wheeler; cox, Ted Crowther.
