
Eight Seniors Get Fulbright Grants

Eight seniors were announced as Fulbright grant winners yesterday by Reginald H. Phelps '30, Chairman of the Harvard Fulbright Committee.

The recipients of the grants and their chosen schools are: Robert J. Blattner of Lowell and Milwaukee, Wis., St. John's College, Cambridge University; Alvan L. Brody of Dunster and Boston, University of Copenhagen; James C. Chace of Lowell and Fall River, University of Paris; and John Goelet of Lowell and Newport, R.I., School of Oriental Studies, American University at Cairo.

Other winners are Glen E. Gresham of Lowell and Detroit, University of Montpellier; Henry J. Landau of Adams and New York City, University of Paris; Paul M. Mabry of Lowell and Boston, Academy of Music, Vienna; and Malcolm D. Rivkin of Kirkland and Hyde Park, Mass., University of Amsterdam.

The Fulbright grants were instituted shortly after World War II by Senator William J. Fulbright (D-Ark.). The grants pay for a year's study at a foreign university and transportation, books, and living expenses.

The grants are payments to the U.S. in return for lend-lease loans.


Chace was a member of the Advocate. Blattner, in addition to the Fulbright grant, won a Henry Fellowship to study at the University of Cambridge. Rivkin was Features Editor of the CRIMSON:
