
Baseball, Golf Contests Rained Out; J.V. Baseball Season Opens Today

Heavy rains forced the cancellation of both varsity and freshman baseball games with Boston University yesterday. Whether Solders Field will be in playable condition for Saturday's game with Springfield is still a question mark.

"We've never had a spring like this," said Stuffy McInnis, varsity coach, as he mused about yesterday's washed-out game and the cancelled game last Tuesday with Brandeis. "I don't know whether we'll be able to reschedule the games."

McInnis said that because of a tight schedule it is not certain if open dates can be found for the cancelled games. The Crimson nine is slated to play Spring-field here Saturday, away at Northeastern Monday, and Bowdoin here Wednesday.

Adolph Samborski's freshmen, also victimized by the weather, play at home Saturday against M.I.T.

Also because of the weather, the varsity golf game last Wednesday with Babson Institute and tomorrow's match with M.I.T. were postponed.


The junior varsity baseball team goes to Quonset Point, R.I. today for its opening game of the season against the Quonset Naval Base Flyers.

Coach Norm Shepard plans to use at least two, and possibly three pitchers. Luke Lockwood will start, to be followed by Dave Lanier. Hank Hamel may also pitch.

The team is in fair condition despite only two days of outdoor practice, according to Shepard. The infield and catching seem fairly strong, but Shepard has not yet had an opportunity to see the outfield in action.

The starting batting order includes: Frank Nahiglan at second base; Joe Conzolman in centerfield; Jim Rahal at third base; Dick Hoffman at shortstop; Neil Bortz in leftfield; Bill hickey behind the plate; Hank Pilner in rightfield; and Jim Kiggen at first base.

The J.V.'s first home game is Tuesday with Boston State Teachers College. The nine plays an eight game schedule.
