
Miller, Sperry Give Divinity Lectures

Two lectures, one by Perry G. E. Miller, professor of American Literature, the other by Willard L. Sperry, will be presented this afternoon at Andover Chapel by the Harvard Divinity School.

Miller will deliver the Dudleian Lecture on Natural Religion at 3 p.m., discussing "The Insecurity of Nature." This will be one of Miller's last appearances here before he leaves to participate in the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton for 1953-54.

The Ingersoll Lecture, founded in 1894 to discuss "immortality of man," will be presented at 4 p.m. Sperry, the lecturer and specialist on Wordsworth, will talk on "Approaches to Immortality." This is his last appearance before retiring from the Divinity School.

These lectures are a part of the annual reunion of the alumni of the Harvard Divinity School, which is a traditional event of great importance because the Divinity School does not hold its own Commencement.
