
Poll Rates Crimson Hockey Team Third

The Crimson hockey team was still nestled in third place behind B.C. and B.U. after the sports writers' Eastern College Hockey Poll yesterday.

Meeting at the Hotel Amalfi for their weekly luncheon, the Boston hockey writers gave B.C. 1591/2 points and first place standing in the East. Seven points back with 1521/2 is B.U.

The varsity sextet polled 120 points, ten more than fourth place Princeton. Round-out the top five is R.P.I. with 104 points.

The poll marked the third straight week that B.C. has led Eastern teams, in the spot once held by the Crimson.

Team ranking is done on the basis of giving a team ten points for first place, nine for second, and so on down to one point for the tenth spot, then adding up the points.
