
HAA Announces Varsity Swimming, Squash Managers for Next Season

Henry L. Howell '55 of Babylon, N.J. and Eliot House has been chosen Assistant Swimming Manager for the 1953-54 season, the H.A.A. announced yesterday. As Assistant Manager, Howell automatically assumes the varsity managerial post the following year.

This year's Assistant Manager, Paul Bender '54 of New York City and Winthrop House, replaces Bradford S. Brown '53 as the new varsity manager.

Barry F. Sachs '55 of New York City and Winthrop House will become Associate Manager in charge of freshmen.

The freshman managership was won by Noble Smith '56 of Marblehead, while Bruce M. Merchant '56 of Wanwatosa, Wis., and Herman K. Bleibtrue '56 of Hinsdale, III., were chosen assistant freshman managers.

Squash Elections


Wesley B. Smith '55 of Succasunna, N.J. and Kirkland House was elected Assistant Varsity Manager of Squash for the 1953-54 season. Werner Genieser '56 was named Freshman Manager.

Smith replaces Mark Scheenfeld '54 of Eliot House, who moves up to the varsity managership. Art Stein '53, also of Eliot, filled this position for the past season.
