
Four Crimson Teams Journey South Next Week

Tennis Team Begins Trip Through South

Daunted by Cambridge's rainy weather, the varsity tennis team will seek sunnier climes over spring vacation on its ten-day jaunt into the Southland. Coach Jack Barnaby and 12 of his players will leave the College today to give them an open day for travel before beginning their six-match tour at the Country Club of Virginia in Richmond on Sunday. On Monday, the team opens a schedule of four matches, playing North Carolina and Davison each twice. The final engagement will be with Navy on April 4, the first Eastern Intercollegiate Tennis League contest for either school.

Nine lettermen from last year's team will make the southern trip this year. Charlie Ufford, captain, will be one of three seniors going on their third journey south, with most of the places on the squad going to juniors. Only one sophomore will be along.

Ufford Plays Singles

Ufford will play second singles on the trip for the first time in three years. Junior John Rauh will ply first, while senior Art French will be third. Gene Mann, the number four man on the squad ladder, will miss the trip, so the rest of the team below him will move up one place. Don Bossart will play fourth, with Dave Watts fifth. The only sophomore, Alex Haegler, has been moved by Barnaby into the sixth position for the trip to give him needed experience in varsity competition.

Barnaby's squad now probably has as good players in the lower squad positions as any he has ever coached.


In doubles, Barnaby is still experimenting with his combinations, which have not yet been tested outdoors this spring. The first matches will probably feature French and Ufford, Bossart and Rauh, and King and Stone in the first three positions.
